Saturday, February 1, 2020

Detroit Museum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Detroit Museum - Research Paper Example The longest day to visit the Museum is Friday when it remains open to visitors for full twelve hrs starting from 10am. I too visited it on Friday. DIA’s collection is among the largest art collections. The collection of DIA contains more than 60000 artworks from all over the world. The collection includes all sorts of works including cutting edge and classic work which enrich the perceptions of the visitors. In order to provide the visitors with an opportunity to spend quite some time in the DIA and gain a lot from the museum, DIA has built partnership with many hotels in the locality. The Museum Shop at DIA is full of wonderful accessories and gadgets. This is a place where visitors can find some of the extremely unique and fabulous accessories that are hard to find elsewhere. One of my most favorite pots that I purchased for $50 from the DIA Museum Shop is the Celadon Daisy Ginger Jar shown below: Celadon Daisy Ginger Jar at DIA Museum Shop (â€Å"Detroit Institute of Artsà ¢â‚¬ ). One of the popular exhibitions of the Detroit Museum is the zoo in which prints of animals are displayed which commenced on 23rd March this year. In the DIA collection, there are above 150 prints in total which comprise prints of peacocks, dolphins, and lizards.

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